Saturday, 31 December 2016

Fall in love with Paris and France!

Son amour de la France m’émeut encore et toujours!
I have so much respect and admiration for all my students, past and present. 

Je vous souhaite une superbe année 2017 - rire, santé, réussite et bonheur!
If your New Year's resolution involves learning French, contact me.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Learn French for travelling to Paris

Now there is an interactive map to find out the origins of Paris streets! Addictive!
If you are visiting Paris soon, come and take a few classes to make the most of your trip. You won't regret it.

Click here to explore Paris from your desktop  :  paristique

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Sortie Cinema

Rendez-vous au cinéma à l'occasion du Melbourne International Film Festival pour voir un film d'animation de Rémi Chayet, "Tout en haut du monde" qui devrait plaire à petits et grands. 

Sunday 31 July 1.30 pm Hoyts Cinema Melbourne Central
Book your tickets here

We will meet at the cinema entrance. A dimanche!

Friday, 22 April 2016


All students past and present and their friends are invited to the next production of the Melbourne French Theatre, a comedy pour "vous faire mourir de rire". Samedi 7 mai 20 heures (8pm)
If you are unable to attend this show, there are other times available that week. A good opportunity to practise French! Hope to see you there. You can Book here .

Friday, 11 March 2016

I recently stumbled upon this page, which lists French words used in English. 

What other words can you think of? 

French words you have seen before

Friday, 4 March 2016

French gestures 101

Check out this video to gesture like a French person!
And for one-on-one lessons on speaking - and gesturing - like a French person, call me! Limited spots available for private classes.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Another advantage of raising children bilingually

Encore un avantage! Another benefit to raising our beautiful children bilingually.
When teaching French to children I am always amazed and in awe at how they are able to capture, retain and play with information I offer them.

Monday, 29 February 2016

What a great way to practise your French listening skills!

RFI offers a news bulletin for French learners - a radio bulletin spoken more slowly, with accompanying transcript.

Highly recommended!  Le Journal en Français Facile

And for extra practise, don't forget that you can book a personal tutor to help you reach your goals of speaking like a Parisien, or Parisienne!

Friday, 26 February 2016

"Je ne veux parler que de cinéma. Pourquoi parler d'autre chose? Avec le cinéma, on parle de tout, on arrive à tout." Jean-Luc Godard

The French Film Festival is back for 2016!

Starting next Wednesday, there are over 40 movies across Melbourne showing new releases to suit the whole family.

Highly recommended to practise French and take an trip to Paris, while staying in Melbourne! VCE students - this is a must-do .... Click to visit the French Film Festival website